
Hi! My name is Andrea Toaiari, I am a Ph.D. Student at the University of Verona in the Intelligo Lab, under the supervision of prof. Marco Cristani. I received my Bachelor’s Degree (cum laude) in Computer Science and my Master’s Degree (cum laude) in Computer Science and Engineering, both at the University of Verona.

My research interests range from the broad field of machine learning and neural networks to the more specific fields of pose estimation, social signal processing and multi-task learning. In particular, I’m interested in Computer Vision automatic systems that can understand how people move in the space and how they interact with each other. As personal interests I cultivate a passion for reading, cinema, music and videogames.



[Dec. 2022] I’m currently a visiting PhD student at University of Glasgow in the Social AI CDT, under the supervision of prof. Alessandro Vinciarelli.



  • F. Beccattini, G. Becchi, A. Ferracani, A. Del Bimbo, L. Lo Presti, G. Mazzola, M. La Cascia, F. Cunico, A. Toaiari, M. Cristani, A. Greco, A. Saggese, M. Vento. I-MALL An Effective Framework for Personalized Visits. Improving the Customer Experience in Stores. Proceedings in the Multimedia Computing towards Fashion Recommendation Workshop of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022)
  • F. Cunico, A. Toaiari, M. Cristani. A Masked Face Classification Benchmark on Low-Resolution Surveillance Images. Proceedings in the T-CAP Workshop of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022)